Joanna Wins Newcastle Open!

Joanna Kerynia is the 2022 Newcastle Open Champion after defeating Australian Open holder Ken Vaughan in the tournament held at Club Charlestown on Sunday, September 11th.

22 players entered the first live Open in 3 years after Covid forced the event online in 20 and 21 with participants coming from Queensland, the ACT and a couple from Sydney to join the local contingent. 6 Round robin groups (4 x 4 and 2 x 3) decided who would go through to the knockout top 8 Final. The 6 winners plus 2 of the second placed players, drawn from a hat, made up the 8.

The Final group comprised of Simon Woodhead, Michelle Taubman, Ken Vaughan, Alex Ivanovski, Mick Dyett, Joanna Kerynia, Dave Bower and Alan Cathcart. The semis came down to two Queensland vs Newcastle matches with Joanna getting by Alan and Ken defeating Simon. The final got to 5-5 which ended up being double match point as the cube reached 4 for Joanna to take the major end of the prize.

The Consolation event, for those who didn’t reach the main Final, went to ANZBGF President Greg Ash of the ACT over Newcastle’s Gerhardt Macor 7/6.

Thanks to all who made their way to Newcastle for the event, to the management and staff of Club Charlestown for hosting the tournament and to NBC Secretary Sharne Dyett and Treasurer Michelle Taubman for their assistance.

– Rob Disney

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