The Committee is responsible for the decisions on policies and general operations of ANZBGF.

Shane McNally (SA)
“But for the sky, there are no fences facing.”

Breck McCormack (NSW)
Vice President
“The odds are there to beat”.

Narelle Mackenzie (QLD)
"Roll 'em like you stole 'em"

Kevin Jessup (VIC)

Adam Makda (NSW)
Committee Member
“When the opponent expands, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity, I do not hit…it hits by itself”.
Bruce Lee

AJ Marquette (NZ)
Committee Member
“Backgammon is the oldest and most youthful board game in the Global Village.”

Andrejs Liepins (VIC)
Committee Member
“Should I stay or should I go now?”
Ethics Committee
Andy Liepins, Chair
Shane McNally
Breck McCormack

John Symon (NSW)
Memberships/Public Officer
“It just keeps getting better and better.”