2022 Sydney Open Winner

The 2022 Sydney Open, run by Sydney Backgammoners, was held on Saturday July 9th with 36 entrants. A new format was introduced: 3-tier single elimination with mandatory clocks.

After some early hiccups, players settled down to the use of clocks and, pleasingly, no players genuinely ran out of time. Ben Phillips won the tournament from John Symon in a nail-biting decider round. Robby Solomon, as winner of the 2nd Flight, took out 3rd prize. Robby was also the winner of the optional Side Pool with Hammon Mans coming second. Brenton Mestel, as winner of the 3rd Flight, took out 4th prize.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the players for participating in this very successful backgammon tournament.

– Gary


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