Three Strikes Winner & Goodbye

After a nail-biting final, Alec emerged victorious over Hossein. The final placings are: first Alec Barr $1020, second Hossein Haydari $510 and third Hammon Mans $170. First in Side Pool Martin Pikler $630; second in Side Pool Syd Moore $270. Congratulations to all.

Sadly, tomorrow Alec will be leaving us to return to the UK.

“What a wild ride! Whilst I am sadly leaving the country to return to my hometown of London, England, my backgammon career was forged here in Australia. I was fortunate enough to live in two states, cutting my teeth with both the Melbourne Backgammon Club and the Sydney Backgammoners. Thanks to unwavering inspiration and coaching from Grant Hoffman and Mick Dyett, I’ve been studying the game relentlessly, for hours, everyday, and I’ve been lucky enough to see it pay off. Many thanks to everyone at the AusBGF for helping me get to where I am today. It’ll be very sad to leave, but hopefully this is a ‘see you later’ rather than a true farewell.”


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